contributte / apitte-skeleton

🎁 API / REST API / JSON API / PSR-7 / Middlewares project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette), Apitte (@apitte), Doctrine (@nettrine) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x.

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Service of type Contributte\Middlewares\Application\IApplication not found.

MilanTuryna opened this issue · comments

Hi, I installed apitte-skeleton on apache without docker and now when I run application I get this exception.

Internal Server Error
On Tracy: \MissingServiceException: Service of type Contributte\Middlewares\Application\IApplication not found.

Before I have also problem with
Error: Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\Validator\ValidatorBuilder::enableAnnotationMapping()
but thats now somehow ok.

I feel like my computer trolls me. Does anyone know what to do? Thanks.

That's weird. There is test case for that.

use Contributte\Middlewares\Application\IApplication as ApiApplication;

It's passing on master.

Thanks, there was a problem in my composer, for some reason it installed the packages incomplete, when I tried again on a different environment, it works.