contiv / auth_proxy

A proxy + UI server for Contiv which handles authentication (local users/LDAP/AD) + authorization (RBAC)

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Need way to install auth_proxy to run on a different port

dojacobs opened this issue · comments

auth_proxy runs on port 10000.

Problem is, my corporate network (aka. Cisco Lab) blocks port 10000. This makes it rather difficult to get to the Contiv GUI with a web browser.

Instead I'd like to use a more standard port, such as 443.

The work around I was given was to modify install/ansible/env.json and insert the following entry:
"auth_proxy_port" : "443"

Then run the installer as normal.

However when auth_proxy comes up, it's still on port 10000. I verified this by using my Mac (on Blizzard, not Cisco Lab) to load the webpage.

Here is my modified env.json:

  "auth_proxy_port":"443",  "docker_version":"1.12.6",
  "env":{ "http_proxy":"", "HTTP_PROXY":"", "https_proxy":"", "no_proxy":",,localhost,netmaster" },
  "etcd_peers_group": "netplugin-master",
  "service_vip": "",
  "validate_certs": "no",
  "cluster_store": "etcd://",
  "auth_proxy_image": "contiv/auth_proxy:1.0.0-beta.2",
  "docker_reset_container_state": __RESET__,
  "docker_reset_image_state": __RESET_IMAGES__,
  "etcd_cleanup_state": __RESET__,
  "auth_proxy_local_install": False,
  "contiv_network_local_install": False

The original env.json isn't a valid json file, so my script simply opens this as a text file, and inserts the new entry at the top.

Added @stacykor because I'm sure customers will want to run auth_proxy on a different port for the same reason that I need to.

@dojacobs could you copy-n-paste this issue over to the install repo? As mentioned earlier, this isn't an auth_proxy bug and the --listen-address option is indeed working properly