containers / prometheus-podman-exporter

Prometheus exporter for podman environments exposing containers, pods, images, volumes and networks information.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

image names are parsed incorrectly for repositories that have port numbers.

ykuksenko opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Incorrect parsing of repository name for images

To Reproduce
Include a port number in repository name

Expected behavior
Port number should be part of repo name not part of tag

Example metric from this exporter:
podman_image_info{id="20091fb4b6c2",repository="",tag="5000/example/ipxe"} 1
The registry name is actually the image is example/ipxe and the tag is not in the parsed value.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Fedora 36
  • Podman 4.1.1

Additional context
Podman output:

# podman images |grep ipxe                        20220428            20091fb4b6c2  5 days ago     507 MB

Hi @ykuksenko
Thanks for reaching, #24 will fix this issue.