containers / podman-desktop-extension-bootc

Support for bootable OS containers (bootc) and generating disk images

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

error: cannot build manifest: cannot get container size when building example bootc-extension/httpd image

odockal opened this issue · comments

Bug description

I tried to build an example image using the button that bootc extension main page offers. It ended up with an error:

2024/04/29 10:10:23 error: cannot build manifest: cannot get container size: failed inspect image: exit status 125, stderr:
time="2024-04-29T10:10:23Z" level=error msg="Unable to write system event: \"write unixgram @00007->/run/systemd/journal/socket: sendmsg: no such file or directory\""
Error: size for layer "5c7899f28957a0021f72bc56674bd659732e464e05df2abaa352d1aec6bfe62a" is unknown, failing getSize()

Operating system

Windows 10


next (development version)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Podman Desktop 1.10.0
  2. Install bootc extension 0.5.0
  3. Open BootC initial page by clicking on the nav bar menu item
  4. Press the button to pull example image: bootc-extension/httpd
  5. Image is pulled, button to build appears
  6. Build example image: httpd -> Pick up folder to build image in, choose RAW type to build the image and choose platform to build image with (amd 64 in my case)
  7. Press build
  8. Assert: Image is built
    Error: Container exited with non-zero return code

Relevant log output

Build Image Log --------
ID:     httpd
Type:   raw
Folder: C:\Users\Ondrej\Temp\httpd
  "name": "httpd-bootc-image-builder",
  "Image": "",
  "Tty": true,
  "HostConfig": {
    "Privileged": true,
    "SecurityOpt": [
    "Binds": [
  "Labels": {
    "bootc.image.builder": "true"
  "Cmd": [
Generating manifest manifest-raw.json
Error: cannot build manifest: cannot get container size: failed inspect image: exit status 125, stderr:
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing container d05aaa27820137c9cf26af6e223561c2175be312ac7691e577a2eb0b40806426: acquiring lock 0 for container d05aaa27820137c9cf26af6e223561c2175be312ac7691e577a2eb0b40806426: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing container b88a97a97346d20bbc25b0397d58df2a8d53ba0b21748ba50abb4c58c4ec69da: acquiring lock 3 for container b88a97a97346d20bbc25b0397d58df2a8d53ba0b21748ba50abb4c58c4ec69da: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing container 93cece2899b06dabddff864df87552aecfe76a5f6827a401e7bc43e5d12253da: acquiring lock 2 for container 93cece2899b06dabddff864df87552aecfe76a5f6827a401e7bc43e5d12253da: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing container f7b2aef47ff10b64fccc9e4ff1f0602d81804826cd559277f851eaf580e2c739: acquiring lock 5 for container f7b2aef47ff10b64fccc9e4ff1f0602d81804826cd559277f851eaf580e2c739: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing volume 0394379de0b78c5323e277919d642a43f7cc4ce06f15aa2941a18ce9971e1f4c: acquiring lock 4 for volume 0394379de0b78c5323e277919d642a43f7cc4ce06f15aa2941a18ce9971e1f4c: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing container 55f29d581116d066a32e3d7ef6422b5cd5d7acabd38616d0fff390b7a955fca4: acquiring lock 6 for container 55f29d581116d066a32e3d7ef6422b5cd5d7acabd38616d0fff390b7a955fca4: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing volume 20e187485a19450882adbc3049c76b3de467821592173f01974527e948673c82: acquiring lock 8 for volume 20e187485a19450882adbc3049c76b3de467821592173f01974527e948673c82: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing pod f3bda8b18e3e9f8f3fc17889711e4533a3c31de54498596aaad115b156933264: retrieving lock 1 for pod f3bda8b18e3e9f8f3fc17889711e4533a3c31de54498596aaad115b156933264: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing volume 133e842ef1e04cd59cdbf704cd0a198a01370a7138900dbcb7a19848962c716c: acquiring lock 7 for volume 133e842ef1e04cd59cdbf704cd0a198a01370a7138900dbcb7a19848962c716c: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Unable to write system event: \"write unixgram @0000e->/run/systemd/journal/socket: sendmsg: no such file or directory\""
2024/04/29 10:22:34 error: cannot build manifest: cannot get container size: failed inspect image: exit status 125, stderr:
Error: size for layer "5c7899f28957a0021f72bc56674bd659732e464e05df2abaa352d1aec6bfe62a" is unknown, failing getSize()
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing container d05aaa27820137c9cf26af6e223561c2175be312ac7691e577a2eb0b40806426: acquiring lock 0 for container d05aaa27820137c9cf26af6e223561c2175be312ac7691e577a2eb0b40806426: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing container 93cece2899b06dabddff864df87552aecfe76a5f6827a401e7bc43e5d12253da: acquiring lock 2 for container 93cece2899b06dabddff864df87552aecfe76a5f6827a401e7bc43e5d12253da: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing container b88a97a97346d20bbc25b0397d58df2a8d53ba0b21748ba50abb4c58c4ec69da: acquiring lock 3 for container b88a97a97346d20bbc25b0397d58df2a8d53ba0b21748ba50abb4c58c4ec69da: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing container f7b2aef47ff10b64fccc9e4ff1f0602d81804826cd559277f851eaf580e2c739: acquiring lock 5 for container f7b2aef47ff10b64fccc9e4ff1f0602d81804826cd559277f851eaf580e2c739: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing pod f3bda8b18e3e9f8f3fc17889711e4533a3c31de54498596aaad115b156933264: retrieving lock 1 for pod f3bda8b18e3e9f8f3fc17889711e4533a3c31de54498596aaad115b156933264: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing volume 0394379de0b78c5323e277919d642a43f7cc4ce06f15aa2941a18ce9971e1f4c: acquiring lock 4 for volume 0394379de0b78c5323e277919d642a43f7cc4ce06f15aa2941a18ce9971e1f4c: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing container 55f29d581116d066a32e3d7ef6422b5cd5d7acabd38616d0fff390b7a955fca4: acquiring lock 6 for container 55f29d581116d066a32e3d7ef6422b5cd5d7acabd38616d0fff390b7a955fca4: file exists"

time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing volume 133e842ef1e04cd59cdbf704cd0a198a01370a7138900dbcb7a19848962c716c: acquiring lock 7 for volume 133e842ef1e04cd59cdbf704cd0a198a01370a7138900dbcb7a19848962c716c: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Refreshing volume 20e187485a19450882adbc3049c76b3de467821592173f01974527e948673c82: acquiring lock 8 for volume 20e187485a19450882adbc3049c76b3de467821592173f01974527e948673c82: file exists"
time="2024-04-29T10:22:34Z" level=error msg="Unable to write system event: \"write unixgram @0000e->/run/systemd/journal/socket: sendmsg: no such file or directory\""
Error: size for layer "5c7899f28957a0021f72bc56674bd659732e464e05df2abaa352d1aec6bfe62a" is unknown, failing getSize()

Additional context

No response

Could you please post your podman version to see what version of Podman Machine you are working.

We've also updated the bootc-image-builder image, could you try with which will have the 5.0.0+ fixes.

C:\Users\podmanqe> podman version
Client:       Podman Engine
Version:      5.0.2
API Version:  5.0.2
Go Version:   go1.22.1
Git Commit:   3304dd95b8978a8346b96b7d43134990609b3b29
Built:        Wed Apr 17 21:17:45 2024
OS/Arch:      windows/amd64

Server:       Podman Engine
Version:      5.1.0-dev-4817811cb
API Version:  5.1.0-dev-4817811cb
Go Version:   go1.21.9
Built:        Wed Apr 17 02:00:00 2024
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

So basically rather to test with what is closer to 1.0.0 bootc ext. release?

So basically rather to test with what is closer to 1.0.0 bootc ext. release?

yup, nightly would be the latest changes to master that will reflect the 1.0.0 release going out tomorrow.

@odockal Looks like this was an issue with the example container. I've gone ahead and updated and pushed it.

please try to pull and try again.

Update: Looks like an upstream issue: osbuild/bootc-image-builder#406

@cdrage Tried again with newest bootc ext. installed (nightly). Still can see the issue.

@cdrage Tried again with newest bootc ext. installed (nightly). Still can see the issue.

May be a corrupted image on as it looks like I am getting the same issue but ONLY on the example image.

Could you try pulling and building that image?

@cdrage Tried again with newest bootc ext. installed (nightly). Still can see the issue.

May be a corrupted image on as it looks like I am getting the same issue but ONLY on the example image.

Could you try pulling and building that image?

Yes. Now It worked nice. I just built RAW, but it worked.
Update: qcow also works.

@odockal thanks! i apologize for that. i've also gone ahead and deleted and re-pushed our example image, and it should be working fine now.

Ok to close?

Good to close now, non-corrupted image has been pushed and confirmed to have been fixed 👍