containers / conmon-rs

An OCI container runtime monitor written in Rust

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Allow CRI-O logging to stdout

saschagrunert opened this issue · comments

We right now use the default logger in CRI-O, which logs to systemd. It would be good to have at least a runtime monitor configuration to also log to stdout. This allows us to collect conmon and CRI-O logs in parallel.

Q: Do we wanna make stdout logging the default? Which benefits do we gain when logging to systemd?

can we stay attached to stdout if we've daemonized? conmon-rs is a child of systemd, not cri-o, and we may lose the logs (we definitely would if cri-o restarts, but may unconditionally)

Hm, setting the log driver to stdout works when CRI-O runs in foreground in my terminal, then both logs appear side by side. A CRI-O restart would probably loose that connection, but we could establish an IO reconnect on restore (or similar). 🤔

Connecting the journal logs to CRI-O containers is hard since we do not verbose output them per default. Having both logs in one dump (timing wise) seems reasonable to me.

I think we can use multiple logging drivers in parallel and add a file-based logger later on. This can be used by CRI-O to stream the logs.

what do you think about enabling verbose logs in the journal? I am open to a file based log driver, but it feels more idiomatic (and closer to conmon's behavior) to have it logged to journal

what do you think about enabling verbose logs in the journal? I am open to a file based log driver, but it feels more idiomatic (and closer to conmon's behavior) to have it logged to journal

I'm wondering how this should work, for example sudo journalctl _COMM=conmonrs -o verbose outputs the following format:

Tue 2022-09-20 10:53:47.707490 CEST [s=3ec34f7a8bd34c4e97b1f8702442e55e;i=123a55b;b=8f6c219633ce46e3a1c4dbad7043bc47;m=1aeb85159;t=5e917f765a89a;x=73e177f314cf05b0]
    MESSAGE=Got a version request
    _CMDLINE=/home/sascha/git/conmon-rs/target/debug/conmonrs --runtime /nix/store/l5g06xdam7qkfyl6qb3nq671zmjqh7aa-runc-1.1.4/bin/runc --runtime-dir /run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/c9aa05bd97d7a82ca70a011007c4da37d93b7056ba7d5150a44c84134b5d9a8d/userdata --runtime-root /run/runc --log-level debug --cgroup-manager cgroupfs

We can modify the fields, for example via sudo journalctl _COMM=conmonrs --output-fields MESSAGE,TARGET -o verbose

> sudo journalctl -f _COMM=conmonrs --output-fields MESSAGE,TARGET -o verbose
Tue 2022-10-04 12:19:41.623065 CEST [s=d354219abea04e1bb07faa901751c6c0;i=156fd61;b=790f4abbb7fe49d49960c9d06be5c81e;m=3009940c5;t=5ea32cc5f6b95;x=385464dd220ee99d]
    MESSAGE=Set log level to: info
Tue 2022-10-04 12:19:54.212481 CEST [s=d354219abea04e1bb07faa901751c6c0;i=156fd6a;b=790f4abbb7fe49d49960c9d06be5c81e;m=3015959d3;t=5ea32cd1f84a3;x=a5af3e5885129085]
    MESSAGE=Set log level to: info

The format is kinda hard to read / trace.

currently we print a line of a bunch of stuff to stdout, is there anything preventing us from formatting the output to journal the same way?

currently we print a line of a bunch of stuff to stdout, is there anything preventing us from formatting the output to journal the same way?

Hm, we could fork the tracing journald lib to see if we can bypass the field conversion:

Or we implement our own writer and write to journald, I think I can give this a try.