containers / conmon-rs

An OCI container runtime monitor written in Rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Container logs related tests fail

saschagrunert opened this issue · comments

Which jobs are failing?

CRI-O GitHub actions e2e tests:

Which tests are failing?

A bunch of tests asserting container logs:

Summarizing 6 Failures:
  [FAIL] [sig-node] Variable Expansion [It] should allow composing env vars into new env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance]
  [FAIL] [sig-node] Downward API [It] should provide pod name, namespace and IP address as env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance]
  [FAIL] [sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [It] new files should be created with FSGroup ownership when container is non-root
  [FAIL] [sig-node] Sysctls [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [It] should support sysctls [MinimumKubeletVersion:1.21] [Conformance]
  [FAIL] [sig-node] Pods [It] should contain environment variables for services [NodeConformance] [Conformance]
  [FAIL] [sig-storage] Projected combined [It] should project all components that make up the projection API [Projection][NodeConformance] [Conformance]

Since when has it been failing?

I’m unsure, they passed a while before we merged the attach fixes.

Reason for failure (if possible)

I assume that we have not written all logs on container termination and race between the CRI logger and child reaper. We probably need something to wait for the logs before exiting conmon-rs.

Anything else we need to know?

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