containers / conmon-rs

An OCI container runtime monitor written in Rust

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Add support to forward containers output to splunk via hec connector

dbloms opened this issue · comments

We do currently use docker on Debian 11 and let the containers log on stdout through the
Splunk logging driver ( via HEC ( into Splunk.

In term of docker-compose this gives us the possibility to configure Splunk-logging on a per deployment basis, which is very comfortable as well as independent of any central configuration.

We would like to move to Podman on RHEL8 servers. Everything works fine so far, but we didn't find a way to log stdout of the containers via the HEC interface into Splunk, as the currently available podman version 4 does not provide such a splunk logging driver.

Is there a solution on the part of Podman to log the output of the containers into Splunk.

If not, is it possible to commission a corresponding development against payment?

I opened a feature request in the containers/conmon#340 and I was told to open the request in this repo.

Thanks for opening the issue! the team is going to start by focusing on adding support in podman for conmon-rs, as that will be a required first-step. Once that's done, we can evaluate the work needed for this. In the meantime, anyone can chime in if they're interested in implementing this

We do also use the the splunk logging driver in our docker deployments and we would be very pleased if podman/conmon would support it too. From my point of view this logging driver is an important feature to make podman a real drop-in-replacement for docker in (splunk-specific) production environments.

Thanks in advance :)

Bumping this, as I'm also looking for a better solution than scraping the container logfiles. Is this still waiting on podman changes? Is there a ticket in the podman repo for that?

This still needs conmon-rs changes as well as podman changes. still a lot of work to do here