containers / common

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Image-import change handles space's badly

cevich opened this issue · comments

I'm told the libimage.ImageConfigFromChanges() function is broken. Reproducer:

(The exact image used doesn't matter)

$ podman pull
$ podman save > asdf.tar
$ podman import -c 'ENV=PS1=$(whoami) $(hostname) $ ' asdf.tar


Error: invalid change "ENV=PS1=$(whoami) $(hostname) $ " - invalid instruction ENV=PS1=$(WHOAMI)

What does work is:

$ podman import -c 'ENV "PS1=$(whoami) $(hostname) $ "' asdf.tar

Note, without the double-quotes it imports the image, but fails to preserve the trailing space:

$ podman import -c 'ENV PS1=$(whoami) $(hostname) $ ' asdf.tar
$ podman image inspect --format '{{.Config.Env}}' 1bde4dd5da92
PS1=$(whoami) $(hostname) $]

(Space at the end is lost)

Looking at the code this seems expected. The code assume a Dockerfile like syntax. INSTRUCTION followed by a spcae then the arguments. It only falls back to the equal sign when it did not find any space.

// First, let's assume proper Dockerfile format - space
// separator between instruction and value
split := strings.SplitN(change, " ", 2)
if len(split) != 2 {
split = strings.SplitN(change, "=", 2)
if len(split) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid change %q - must be formatted as KEY VALUE", change)
outerKey := strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimSpace(split[0]))
value := strings.TrimSpace(split[1])

The code also always trims space so that part is expected as well. The podman import and podman commit man page do not really explain the format. They only show some examples so I understand the confusion.

In any case I do not see a good way to change the code. I would say this should just be documented better.

I would say this should just be documented better.

I would be okay with that. The confusing parsing caught at least one user off-guard - meaning, there are probably 5-more users that didn't report the problem.

The first place Nalin and I turned to look (the man page) was (as you've seen) not very helpful. So a docs-update may very well be good'nuff of a fix.

I only hesitate shortly, before to suggesting the docs should focus on using a space-separator and never = - for consistency.