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Legacy code in puma config

janimo opened this issue · comments

According to this

this snippet is no longer required in config/puma/defaults.rb

before_fork do

on_worker_boot do
  ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do

These are no longer included in the puma config generated by rails new ( as they were in v5.1)

Also as seen in the newer puma.rb files created by rails new, maybe the current per-environment files could be merged, and using RAILS_ENV, RAILS_MIN_THREADS, RAILS_MAX_THREADS,WEB_CONCURRENCY and an if would make the differences minimal.

Hi, @janimo 😄.

Thank you for reporting! Would you like to open a pull request removing the code that's no longer needed?

maybe the current per-environment files could be merged, and using RAILS_ENV, RAILS_MIN_THREADS, RAILS_MAX_THREADS,WEB_CONCURRENCY and an if would make the differences minimal.

Regarding staging.rb, production.rb and preproduction.rb, there might be issues if we merge them together and rely on RAILS_ENV 🤔. For example, we manage Puma through systemd with something like systemctl --user start puma_consul_production, and AFAIK the RAILS_ENV variable isn't considered in this scenario with the Systemd file we use (which is the one provided by capistrano3-puma).

Regarding development.rb, not sure whether it'd be worth unifying it because the file is small and the only duplicate line is plugin :tmp_restart 🤔. However, the situation can change if we introduce more duplication between development.rb and defaults.rb.