consistence / coding-standard

Consistence - Coding Standard - PHP Code Sniffer rules

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FunctionSpacing sniff misconfigured

janedbal opened this issue · comments

What is the reason for excluding Squiz.WhiteSpace.FunctionSpacing.After here? With this, you can separate methods by any number of empty lines. May I send PR removing this exclusion?

Thanks for reminding me of this, I wanted to improve this long time ago, but have not gotten around to do it.

The reason is mentioned in the comment after the exclude. I have reported this to the PHPCodeSniffer repo squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer#1075 and you can see an exact code example there.

I am closing this now and when/if the issue gets fixed I will turn the rule back on in this ruleset. as I did for example with squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer#794 in this commit.

If the described behavior is no issue for you feel free to override this in your ruleset in the meantime (this ruleset should be a solid foundation, but is meant to be extended - that is why I am trying to always mention why something was excluded.

Thanks for clarification and creating issue in codesniffer repo, but how can I override already excluded rule? I didn't find any way to re-include it.

By resetting severity (example from Consistence ruleset.xml):

<rule ref="Squiz.WhiteSpace.SuperfluousWhitespace.EmptyLines">
    <severity>5</severity><!-- turned off by PSR2 -> turning on with default severity -->

Thanks Ondra, just had copied the same example in my clipboard :)