conradkleinespel / rpassword

Cross platform Rust library to read a password in the terminal (Linux, BSD, OSX, Windows, WASM).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support ^U

tobiasvl opened this issue · comments

If I make a typo in my password and press Ctrl+U, it would be nice if it erased my entire password (like in a regular readline session).

It seems like Ctrl+H (backspace) is supported already, but when typing my password "blindly" I often don't realize where the typo is, so it's simpler to start over.

Good catch! 👍 I am not available to work on this at the moment so if anyone if willing to make a PR for that I'll review it.

Fixed with help from @LSchallot and published in v7.1.0 on