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[connect-fastify] issue running in google cloud / firebase functions

Azuka opened this issue · comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I've been using connect-fastify with Firebase functions (which are a wrapper around Google Cloud Functions) for a while now. There's a known issue (and workaround) for fastify: when working with json request bodies, which I've been solving by just copying the contents of the connect-fastify plugin and modifying the noopContentTypeParser.

Describe the solution you'd like
This is a trivial change to check if the incoming body is a buffer/readable stream.

function noopContentTypeParser(
  _req: unknown,
  _payload: { body?: Buffer|Readable },
  done: (err: null, body?: unknown) => void,
) {
  let {body} = _payload;

  if (body instanceof Buffer) {
    body = Readable.from(body);

  done(null, body);

Describe alternatives you've considered
Documenting the issue and leaving the implementation up to users, or allowing users to specify their own noopContentTypeParser implementation.

Additional context

Hey Azuka, thanks for raising the issue.

When you call done with a Readable, I expect fastify to set this value as the body property on the fastify request object. If I follow correctly, the Readable is passed as a parsedJsonBody: JsonValue to universalRequestFromNodeRequest() here.

I think to properly support this, we have to update the signature of universalRequestFromNodeRequest to explicitly handle this input, so that tests can be added.

I am not sure that we can modify the noop-parser without breaking other use cases. Adding good test coverage is not trivial, unfortunately. Maybe the best solution would be to allow you to bring your own content-type parser for firebase (in combination with updating the function signature).

We are currently switching our tests to This will possibly give us better options to add test coverage. For now, vendoring the plugin in your project seems like a good workaround.

Thanks @timostamm.

I hadn't used fastify outside of firebase, but I agree about not breaking it for others without thorough tests.

I did go looking in the conformance repo before opening an issue (because I didn't see tests here), but glad to hear that there are plans to cover more use cases there.