confluentinc / operator-earlyaccess

Confluent Operator Early Access docs

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New confluent-for-kubernetes helm chart failing to pull image

mccullya opened this issue · comments

When I run the new 'helm upgrade' command (as seen in the commit), helm upgrade --install operator confluentinc_earlyaccess/confluent-for-kubernetes --set the pod fails to deploy.

Describing the pod returns the following:

Normal   Scheduled  16s   default-scheduler  Successfully assigned confluent/confluent-operator-88b896cf7-8k7mw to minikube
Normal   Pulling    16s   kubelet            Pulling image ""
Warning  Failed     11s   kubelet            Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: manifest for not found: manifest unknown: The named manifest is not known to the registry.
Warning  Failed     11s   kubelet            Error: ErrImagePull
Normal   BackOff    11s   kubelet            Back-off pulling image ""
Warning  Failed     11s   kubelet            Error: ImagePullBackOff

If I run the 'old' command

helm upgrade --install operator confluentinc_earlyaccess/confluent-operator --set

Everything runs OK.

It looks like the chart version and the docker image version were not kept in sync. does exist, which is the version of the helm chart.

Hi folks - thanks for reporting this.

We fixed this. Now the helm chart points to the correct Docker image, and should install properly.

$ helm repo update

$ helm search repo confluentinc_earlyaccess
NAME                                             	CHART VERSION	APP VERSION
confluentinc_earlyaccess/confluent-for-kubernetes	0.174.2
confluentinc_earlyaccess/confluent-operator      	0.147.0      	           

$ helm upgrade --install operator confluentinc_earlyaccess/confluent-for-kubernetes \

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
confluent-operator-6fb5bb86c4-gw65l         1/1     Running   0          127m

$ kubectl describe pod confluent-operator-6fb5bb86c4-gw65l
    Container ID:  docker://02ba750225dbf20eec3c514a4c28ea8333122f95f1be58d3b7ac5c43ec9e73be
    Image ID:      docker-pullable://