confluentinc / librdkafka

The Apache Kafka C/C++ library

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Timeout overflows when over 2047.48

nhaq-confluent opened this issue · comments

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In the confluent-kafka-python library, this issue was raised: confluentinc/confluent-kafka-python#1080

It was deemed the root would likely be in librdkafka.

I found that whenever I set the timeout for the Consumer.poll method > 2047.4... it will start behaving incorrectly.

It looks like there is a overflow in the timeout where the timeout is going to be modulo 2**31 // 10^6 ~= 2147.483648

If I set the timeout to 4305 I will get a ~ 10 second timeout.

How to reproduce

prepare a consumer to connect to an empty topic

consumer = Consumer(**props)
start = time.time()
msg = consumer.poll(2048.0)
print(f"This should take many seconds {time.time - start}")

confluent_kafka.libversion(): ('1.4.4', 17040639)

Consumer config

  • properties:
    • auto.offset.reset='earliest'
    • bootstrap.servers='kafka:9092'
      OS: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS

Kafka version: tested against docker image bitnami/kafka:2.6.0


IMPORTANT: We will close issues where the checklist has not been completed.

Please provide the following information:

  • librdkafka version (release number or git tag): <REPLACE with e.g., v0.10.5 or a git sha. NOT "latest" or "current">
  • Apache Kafka version: <REPLACE with e.g.,>
  • librdkafka client configuration: <REPLACE with e.g.,, auto.reset.offset=earliest, ..>
  • Operating system: <REPLACE with e.g., Centos 5 (x64)>
  • Provide logs (with debug=.. as necessary) from librdkafka
  • Provide broker log excerpts
  • Critical issue