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SAML authentication not appearing on 7.11.0

jhohiii opened this issue · comments


Configured SAML authentication on 7.11.0 using the BOSH release. The option to perform SAML authentication does not appear on the login page. No errors in the log. Environment variables are present.

Steps to reproduce

Configure in deployment manifest.

          display_name: Okta
          sso_url: https://<redacted>
          sso_issuer: http://<redacted>
          ca_cert: |
            -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
            -----END CERTIFICATE-----
          username_attr: uid
          email_attr: emailAddress
          groups_attr: authorities


Using environment '' as client 'admin'

Using deployment 'c4platform'

Release 'bpm/1.1.21' already exists.

Release 'postgres/44' already exists.

Release 'concourse/7.11.0' already exists.

  - name: web
    - name: web
+       saml_auth:
+         ca_cert: "<redacted>"
+         display_name: "<redacted>"
+         email_attr: "<redacted>"
+         groups_attr: "<redacted>"
+         sso_issuer: "<redacted>"
+         sso_url: "<redacted>"
+         username_attr: "<redacted>"

Continue? [yN]: y

Task 1569134

Task 1569134 | 20:54:10 | Preparing deployment: Preparing deployment (00:00:01)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:11 | Preparing deployment: Rendering templates (00:00:01)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:12 | Preparing package compilation: Finding packages to compile (00:00:00)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:13 | Updating instance web: web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af (0) (canary)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:15 | L executing pre-stop: web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af (0) (canary)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:15 | L executing drain: web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af (0) (canary)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:16 | L stopping jobs: web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af (0) (canary)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:18 | L executing post-stop: web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af (0) (canary)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:26 | L installing packages: web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af (0) (canary)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:27 | L configuring jobs: web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af (0) (canary)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:27 | L executing pre-start: web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af (0) (canary)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:28 | L starting jobs: web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af (0) (canary)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:29 | L executing post-start: web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af (0) (canary) (00:00:16)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:29 | Updating instance web: web/23e39028-95d7-4bd8-b524-a6b471f912b5 (1)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:30 | L executing pre-stop: web/23e39028-95d7-4bd8-b524-a6b471f912b5 (1)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:30 | L executing drain: web/23e39028-95d7-4bd8-b524-a6b471f912b5 (1)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:31 | L stopping jobs: web/23e39028-95d7-4bd8-b524-a6b471f912b5 (1)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:33 | L executing post-stop: web/23e39028-95d7-4bd8-b524-a6b471f912b5 (1)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:41 | L installing packages: web/23e39028-95d7-4bd8-b524-a6b471f912b5 (1)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:42 | L configuring jobs: web/23e39028-95d7-4bd8-b524-a6b471f912b5 (1)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:42 | L executing pre-start: web/23e39028-95d7-4bd8-b524-a6b471f912b5 (1)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:43 | L starting jobs: web/23e39028-95d7-4bd8-b524-a6b471f912b5 (1)
Task 1569134 | 20:54:45 | L executing post-start: web/23e39028-95d7-4bd8-b524-a6b471f912b5 (1) (00:00:17)

Task 1569134 Started  Wed Jan 10 20:54:10 UTC 2024
Task 1569134 Finished Wed Jan 10 20:54:46 UTC 2024
Task 1569134 Duration 00:00:36
Task 1569134 done


Verify CONCOURSE_SAML* environment variables are present on the web PID

web/23e39028-95d7-4bd8-b524-a6b471f912b5:~# ps -ef | grep web | grep -Ev 'grep|tini' | awk '{print $2}' | while read mypid ; do strings /proc/$mypid/environ | grep CONCOURSE_SAML ; done

Attempt to login using the Okta option in the login screen

Expected results

The presence of an 'Okta' button in the login screen that redirects to Okta and performs SAML handshake/authentication

Actual results

No 'Okta' option on the login screen.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <script type="text/javascript">
      if (String(performance.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].type) === "back_forward") {
    <link href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="theme/styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link rel="icon" href="theme/favicon.png">

  <body class="theme-body">
    <div class="theme-navbar">
      <a class="theme-navbar__logo-wrap" href="/">
        <img class="theme-navbar__logo" src="theme/logo.svg">

    <div class="dex-container">

<div class="theme-panel">
  <h2 class="theme-heading">login to Concourse </h2>

      <div class="theme-form-row">
        <a href="/sky/issuer/auth/cloudfoundry" target="_self">
          <button class="dex-btn theme-btn-provider">
            <span class="dex-btn-icon dex-btn-icon--cloudfoundry"></span>
            <span class="dex-btn-text">CloudFoundry</span>

      <div class="theme-form-row">
        <a href="/sky/issuer/auth/local" target="_self">
          <button class="dex-btn theme-btn-provider">
            <span class="dex-btn-icon dex-btn-icon--local"></span>
            <span class="dex-btn-text">Username/Password</span>



Additional context

Triaging info

  • Concourse version: 7.11.0
  • Browser (if applicable): Multiple - Chrome (current), Firefox
  • Did this used to work? Never tried - but others seem to have used Okta/SAML before based on the history

I have also reproduced this behavior on a BOSH deployment of 7.8.2 - same configuration.

Hi, what is the web node log output about auth config in the beginning? Also, is your deployment configured with both SAML and cloudfoundry provider?

@xtremerui Yes, the deployment has both CF and SAML configured.

I can't find any log lines in web.stdout.log referencing 'auth' during a 'monit stop web' followed by a 'monit start web'. Do I need to turn on additional logging or look somewhere else?

As a test, I removed the cf_auth section of our deployment yaml, redeployed. Still no SAML and no errors. I will enable debug logging and post back.

Enabled debug. Redeployed. Checked web.stdout.log and web.stderr.log and found nothing related to 'auth' or 'saml'. It's like web is just ignoring the directives for saml_auth.

The web.stdout.log had debug logs during this period, so I know that the debug logging directive was working.

I cannot find any indication that the bosh configuration for saml_auth.ca_cert is getting into the configuration.

web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af:/var/vcap/sys/log/web# find /var/vcap/jobs/web/config
web/bf7bb21e-4bab-4d30-9397-7faf6aa166af:/var/vcap/sys/log/web# grep -i saml /var/vcap/jobs/web/config/bpm.yml
    CONCOURSE_SAML_SSO_URL: "<redacted>"

For the certificate, based on , you will need to do


Since both saml URL and ca_cert are required, if one of them is missing, Concourse will consider this auth provider is not configured and ignore it.

I will add that and test.

That worked! I need to pay attention to the spec.
Thank you for the assist!