concordancejs / concordance

Compare, format, diff and serialize any JavaScript value

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String diffs don't invert properly

novemberborn opened this issue · comments

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In AVA, when diffing snapshots the gutters are inverted. This doesn't invert the string diff colors though. Compare the output for these tests:

import test from 'ava'

test('snapshot diff', t => {
  t.snapshot(`\n${}\n`, 'the - value should be less than the + value')

test('direct diff', t => {`\n${ - 42e5}\n`, `\n${}\n`)

screen shot 2017-10-23 at 15 48 57

I realized this previously but hadn't yet filed the issue. Example via avajs/ava#1558.

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ninevra ninevra has been rewarded.

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  • 🔧 Service fee(10%): $4.00