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[Feedback] Conan Essentials: Advice at end of the course

DdOtzen opened this issue · comments

At the end of essentials in the "Congratulations" slide, pointy 1 is to learn more by studying the output of the conan commands.
That's a good advide, but would be much more valuable if I knew that I can change the log.level and/or log.print_run_commands.
At least that was an 'aha' moment for me when I was trying to learn Conan

So I suggest to either mention those commands in that same slide or insert a new chapter/slide teaching this.

  1. Read Conan outputs carefully
    a. Try conan config set log.level=info
    Valid values: critical, error, warning, info and debug.
  2. ...

great feedback, will take it for improvement at next update