conan-io / training

(Deprecated) Support code for conan 1.X trainings

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Packages published to artifactory have extra characters in name

dragondive opened this issue · comments

Hello everyone,

I set up an artifactory (community edition 7.10.5) on localhost. I ran the following commands from the command line:

conan new pkg/0.1@aravind/testing -s -t
conan create .
conan upload pkg/0.1 -r localrepo --all

The package is uploaded with the name _/pkg/0.1/_. I could not figure out where the extra characters / and _ come from. What am I missing here?



Hi @dragondive

You need to:

$ conan create . aravind/testing
$ conan upload pkg/0.1@aravind/testing-r localrepo --all

Otherwise you are creating a package without user/channel, and that is represented in artifactory path as "_" (as empty folders are not allowed in the path)

@dragondive please let us know if this answers your question, or if we can provide further guidance.

Hi @dragondive @solvingj, thanks, yes this answers my question.
I had (mis)understood that if the user and channel weren't explicitly specified, they would be defaulted to the values chosen when creating the package with conan new.

As a side-note, the command help can perhaps make it clearer with some examples (as git does, for example). I could probably contribute towards the documentation effort (in general, not just for these commands) in the near future after I "get into the groove" with conan.