conan-io / training

(Deprecated) Support code for conan 1.X trainings

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Trouble with "docker-compose up -d" command on windows platform

mkortus1 opened this issue · comments

After launch this command I got this message:
2 errors occurred:
* Status: image operating system "linux" cannot be used on this platform, Code: 1
* Status: image operating system "linux" cannot be used on this platform, Code: 1
Could you help with this issue?
Thank you.

Hello @mkortus1 . On Windows, Docker client can run Linux and Windows containers, but they are not compatible and can not be runned at same time. Your client is configured to run Windows containers, that's why you are having that error. You need to open your Docker client and switch to Linux containers. Usually there is a shortcut on the Docker icon on menu bar tray, close to the clock.