conan-io / training

(Deprecated) Support code for conan 1.X trainings

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Exercise: Profiles and cross-compiling fails due to different compiler version

MelodicsPavol opened this issue · comments

The arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc version included in Docker image is 9.4.0 and that causes the exercise to fail.
Changing compiler.version=9 in rpi_armv7 fixes the failure

-- Conan: Compiler GCC>=5, checking major version 7
-- Conan: Checking correct version: 9
CMake Error at ../conanbuildinfo.cmake:402 (message):
  Detected a mismatch for the compiler version between your conan profile
  settings and CMake:

  Compiler version specified in your conan profile: 7

  Compiler version detected in CMake: 9.4

  Please check your conan profile settings (conan profile show

  P.S.  You may set CONAN_DISABLE_CHECK_COMPILER CMake variable in order to
  disable this check.

@MelodicsPavol Probably it should be updated by the upstream. I'll check and update. Thank you for informing.