computorg / published-202312-favrot-hierarchical

A hierarchical model to evaluate pest treatments from prevalence and intensity data

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comcomputorg/published-202312-favrot-hierarchicalRepository from Github https://github.comcomputorg/published-202312-favrot-hierarchical


pneuvial opened this issue · comments

Phase 1: acceptance

When the Associate Editor (AE) is satisfied with the author's answers to the reviewers comments, he/she exchanges with authors that (via the discussion tool on Scholastica)

  • authors are informed of final acceptance
  • affiliation, author-url, affiliation-url and other metadata are correctly filled in on the author git repository
  • the manuscript is formatted using the latest Computo extension
  • CI/github-action validates the reproducibility of the manuscript

The authors inform the AE upon completion of the tasks required on their side.

Phase 2: production start-up

  • the AE creates a private repository in computorg's group named published-yearmonth-first_author_last_named_manuscript_key, with CC-by 4 licence
  • the AE asks the editor a DOI for this publication
  • the Editor adds an entry to the in_production.bib so that the manuscript appears "in the pipeline" here
  • the AE makes a copy of the authors' repository (without the history: clone --depth 1) into the above repository
  • the AE, assisted by the technical team, ensure that CI works
  • the AE set the metadata appropriately (draft: false, repos, doi, etc.)
  • the AE formats the exchanges between authors and reviewers as an Issue in the repository, following this model
  • the AE requests validation from the reviewers for the publication of the reports and asks if reviewers want to remain anonymous or not
  • the AE completes the according to this template, with appropriate badges

Phase 3: final publication

Once the above tasks are completed, then do

  • the AE turns the private repository into a public repository (could be done as soon as a DOI is available)
  • the AE invites the corresponding author to be an external collaborator to the repository with read only access
  • the AE makes an Issue asking for final proofreading by the authors (possibly with some minor additional questions), made as a pull-request on Computorg's repository

Once the manuscript is proofreaded (Issue closed)

  • the AE informs the Editor who tags the firstly published version
  • the Editor moves the BibTeX entry from file "in production" to "published" on Computo website, by completing if needed
  • the Editor archives the repository on software heritage
  • the Editor makes the usual communication of the new publication