composer / satis

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Proper way to upgrade Satis

WilliamDEdwards opened this issue · comments

The README says that Satis should be installed using composer create-project composer/satis:dev-main.

It then says that updating is done with: git pull && composer install

But when using composer create-project, git pull won't work... After all, there's no Git repository to pull.

The documentation at says that Satis can be installed using Git, too ("You can get it from GitHub or install via CLI").

This implies that there are two supported installation methods (Git, and CLI with composer create-project), while the README mentions (only) one for install, and the other for updating.

So, there is at least a documentation issue here. But more importantly: what is the proper way to upgrade Satis when installed using composer create-project?


The create-project example should probably include the --keep-vcs flag.

I've always preferred to have a project with composer/satis as a dependency. It lets you commit the configuration inside and use composer update to update it.

Which installation method is recommended?


Whichever works best for you. 🤷 It is also a matter of personal preference. I like to use the Docker container.

OK, then I’ll go for the method with a documented upgrade path.

I do think the documentation should be corrected, and users should be guided in picking an installation method, as most (if not all) users don’t really care.

The create-project example should probably include the --keep-vcs flag.

I see this was done in 8dd9ab3. (It would have been handy to reference the issue.)

I also now see that the command on

php composer.phar create-project composer/satis --stability=dev --keep-vcs

... is not in sync with the one in this repository's README:

composer create-project --keep-vcs composer/satis:dev-main

I also believe --no-dev should be added.

I will create PRs to address both points.