composer / satis

Simple static Composer repository generator - For a full private Composer repo use Private Packagist

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Release stable (i.e. 3.x) branch for pre-mbstring era

igronus opened this issue · comments

Hi all,

Just noticed it's not easy to update the satis on one of our Ubuntu 18.04 servers since the ext-mbstring was added to the requirements. It's not so trivial to install it there since it's now not available in repos. Sure it can always be done manually one way or another and/or with paid support and depends on your distro and company policies (our case) of course.

But anyway I guess a lot of systems is affected by this change so as far as I understand the same happened when 2.x was created on a commit just before the dependencies update.

So I suggest creating a new branch like 3.x for some state of the project before the mbstring was added. I think the edf8c0e commit from 2023-04-14 would be the best for that.


To be honest, I am not sure why we added it... as far as I can tell right now, Satis itself makes no use of any of the functions that the mbstring extension provides. Composer uses it, but optionally, and only if available. Might need to double check, but I think that requirement can be removed.


Adjusted in 6e7160f