component / reactive

Tiny reactive template engine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

consider removing data-* in place of interpolation

tj opened this issue · comments

related to #44. This would be more expensive in terms of walking the dom tree to discover bindings but if we measure this out and it's reasonable it would probably be worth it. Ex:

<a href="/download/{id}">Download {title}</a>


<a data-href="/download/{id}" data-text="Download {title}"></a>

Would be nice to have for content, but I have it's quite the hot part for attributes

yeah we'll see! sucks you cant do [**="{"] haha where the first * is any attr

got most of it working really well so far, pretty happy with it, just need to polish things up and I'll merge to master



wow, this looks really sweet

With the old style you could set a default with the regular attribute before the JS loaded, e.g. now there's a possibility of broken links if users click things before the page has fully loaded. Probably not a problem worth solving given this api is far less cumbersome. Nice job.

@timoxley for SPAs like ours it doesn't matter much since the content itself wouldn't be loaded yet either but that's a good point