component / reactive

Tiny reactive template engine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pause and resume DOM operations globally

subtleGradient opened this issue · comments

This would make it possible to manually implement a run-loop myself using RAF or maybe some interesting animations or undo/redo functionality maybe. Cf. #31

Or would it be better to have this feature in Emitter instead?

i think we could do it pretty easily with a little "batch" component and just defer / eliminate duplicates, this will start to get more helpful once I merge the new interpolation stuff. For example if you have <p>{name} is a {species} and has {siblings.length} siblings.<p> it would normally render three times when initializing, so I'm +1 for adding this right into reactive (built on top of some other component).

As far as animations etc go let me know what you had in mind.

Would it still render 3 times if we use request animation frame? The danger here is not rendering.