component / reactive

Tiny reactive template engine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

find a reasonable way to default preventDefault and stopPropagation

tj opened this issue · comments

for me at least 90% of the use-case is this

+1 on this. Why not just call preventDefault on the event when it is bound? preventDefault is really useful for things like forms on-submit

Forgot to mention that I am happy to do this what I think will be trivial patch.

I wish there was a way to discuss issues and mark them as desired features so that we can know what features we want but just need to implement. Maybe make a label for that? Or milestones. Milestones seem more cumbersome.

reactive 1.0 will preventDefault automatically. It doesn't stopPropogation tho. Both of these could be options I suppose. Even better, they can be properties in the html to turn stopProp off and preventDefault back on maybe (since it is off by default).

Something like this.

<a stopPropogation>foobar</a>

The bindings approach is versatile!

I like the idea of using attributes for this. Good call.