complexpotato / Faitagram

(Doesn't work anymore)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Only 1st pwd & using real IP address

d3ibis opened this issue · comments

Dear, 1st of all thanQ for such tool! I hope that u will take this issue for serious...

Everything is going fine until the attack starting:

[ ok ] Restarting tor (via systemctl): tor.service.
[ ok ] Checking Account Existence

  • Bruteforce starting ( Delay = 10 sec ) -

    Password: 123456 | Failed | IP : ...* (Which s my real IP!!)

THEN getting this error

Error : 0x01: General SOCKS server failure

already mentioned here #65 & #53

any chances to fix ? ThanQ in advance ♥