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[BUG]: cannot use LLVM command-line arguments starting with "-l"

brunodf-snps opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

When specifying a gcc/clang command-line argument starting with "-loop", it seems this command-line argument is silently dropped. The easiest is to try a non-existing command-line argument such as "-loop-some-invalid-option" and notice that you don't get an error, while you do get an error for "-foobar-some-invalid-option". But of course there are existing options which start with "-loop", and these cannot be used.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Visit
  2. Reset code UI and layout (or select "x86-64 gcc 13.2")
  3. Add command-line argument: -loop-some-invalid-option

Expected behavior

Gcc error saying that "-loop-some-invalid-option" does not exist.

Reproduction link


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The issue seems a bit wider: any option starting with "-l".

Presumably this is to strip link options, but it prevents to use "-mllvm -loop-something" options such as these:

Also when using LLVM tools inside Godbolt directly (for example, switch language to "LLVM IR" and select a version of the "opt" tool) any option starting with "-l" is removed. Here, you should be able to specify the LLVM options directly, without "-mllvm" prefix, so directly "-loop-something". This does not work.

At least for GCC and clang, -l gets passed to the linker as a library to link against. I can run this on my local clang:

% clang -loop-some-invalid-option -c /tmp/
clang: warning: -loop-some-invalid-option: 'linker' input unused [-Wunused-command-line-argument]

no error, that's just a warning. We don't strip anything but hand all the arguments (plus a few more) to the compiler itself. In the default mode we don't link so the -l option is not processed by anything. If you enable the linker: you get the error you'd expect.

I agree the -l option does seem to somehow get droppedf by the opt tool though,. so we still have something to investigate! :)

mayyybe we do filter -l stuff? argh :) we will loko. thanks again for this

Thanks, Matt. I should have reported my problem more directly: I cannot use LLVM command-line arguments starting with -loop, or even starting with -l. They are either ignored, or they trigger an error.

This is with clang:

This is with opt:

probable culprit: #6297