commanded / commanded

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Snapshotting 2 Aggregates having same identity

pirvudoru opened this issue · comments

Not sure if this is the right place for the issue but, i have the following aggregates:

  • MyApp.AModule.Aggregates.Foo
  • MyApp.BModule.Aggregates.Bar

The identity is shared, so the same identity (say 52b439d4-cd86-4a09-a935-5c9227e1b1af) can correspond to Foo and also a Bar aggregate instance.

With snapshotting disabled, everything works well.
If i enable snapshotting on one aggregate, everything works well.
When I enable snapshotting for both of them, I receive errors like:

lib/myapp/bmodule/aggregates/bar.ex:13: MyApp.BModule.Aggregates.Bar.execute(%MyApp.AModule.Aggregates.Foo{}, %MyEvent{})

Somehow the snapshot is not stored per type + identity, but only for identity.

How can i enable snapshotting on both aggregate types without Commanded getting confused about which type of snapshot it needs to load?