comma-csv / comma

Comma is a small CSV (ie. comma separated values) generation extension for Ruby objects, that lets you seamlessly define a CSV output format via a small DSL

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Associations failing

tgmerritt opened this issue · comments

Trace shows:

comma (3.1.0) lib/comma/extractors.rb:72:in `get_association_class'
comma (3.1.0) lib/comma/extractors.rb:55:in `block in method_missing'

Code is:

def get_association_class(model_class, association)
      model_class.respond_to?(:reflect_on_association) ?
        model_class.reflect_on_association(arg).klass : nil

In my job.rb model I have:

  belongs_to :customer

And then in Comma:

  comma do 
      customer :first_name

And the error for Rails is :

undefined method `klass' for nil:NilClass

I can't understand why it doesn't recognize my association.

Using comma 3.1.0, Ruby-2.0, Rails 3.2.13

Thank you for your bug report. Here is a patch to fix this issue.

diff --git a/lib/comma/extractors.rb b/lib/comma/extractors.rb
index 81ee23a..63fe5e2 100644
--- a/lib/comma/extractors.rb
+++ b/lib/comma/extractors.rb
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ module Comma

     def get_association_class(model_class, association)
       model_class.respond_to?(:reflect_on_association) ?
-        model_class.reflect_on_association(arg).klass : nil
+        model_class.reflect_on_association(association).klass : nil

I will write tests and submit PR later.