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Ignore unnamed queries

cometkim opened this issue · comments

If the user uses unnamed query, by default, graphql-codegen generate Unnamed_[number] as type name first time, but Gatsby's query compiler renames it to be based on location something like:

export type homecometkimWorkspacesrcgithubComgatsbyjsgatsbyexamplesusingContentfulsrctemplatescategoryJs3611958513Query = { readonly contentfulCategory: Maybe<{ readonly title: Maybe<Pick<contentfulCategoryTitleTextNode, 'title'>>, readonly icon: Maybe<{ readonly fixed: Maybe<Pick<ContentfulFixed, 'base64' | 'src' | 'srcSet' | 'height' | 'width'>> }>, readonly product: Maybe<ReadonlyArray<Maybe<(
      Pick<ContentfulProduct, 'id'>
      & { readonly productName: Maybe<Pick<contentfulProductProductNameTextNode, 'productName'>> }
    )>>> }> };

export type homecometkimWorkspacesrcgithubComgatsbyjsgatsbyexamplesusingContentfulsrctemplatesproductJs2828118799QueryVariables = {
  id: Scalars['String']

export type homecometkimWorkspacesrcgithubComgatsbyjsgatsbyexamplesusingContentfulsrctemplatesproductJs2828118799Query = { readonly contentfulProduct: Maybe<(
    Pick<ContentfulProduct, 'price'>
    & { readonly productName: Maybe<Pick<contentfulProductProductNameTextNode, 'productName'>>, readonly productDescription: Maybe<{ readonly childMarkdownRemark: Maybe<Pick<MarkdownRemark, 'html'>> }>, readonly image: Maybe<ReadonlyArray<Maybe<{ readonly fixed: Maybe<Pick<ContentfulFixed, 'base64' | 'src' | 'srcSet' | 'height' | 'width'>> }>>>, readonly brand: Maybe<{ readonly companyName: Maybe<Pick<contentfulBrandCompanyNameTextNode, 'companyName'>> }>, readonly categories: Maybe<ReadonlyArray<Maybe<(
      Pick<ContentfulCategory, 'id'>
      & { readonly title: Maybe<Pick<contentfulCategoryTitleTextNode, 'title'>> }
    )>>> }
  )> };

Oops, they are also included in SitePageFieldsEnum like:

enum SitePageFieldsEnum {

This is a difficult problem.

Mangled names are unnecessary for type definitions, but should not be tricked because they are actually the source of truth.


It doesn't happen in the current version, but I'm not sure when it was gone. Closing this issue until the it is reported again.

Possibly happened again if I started to use the new SET_GRAPHQL_DEFINITIONS event. See #123

exports.onPostBootstrap = ({
}) => {
  emitter.on('SET_GRAPHQL_DEFINITIONS', () => {
    const state = store.getState();
    for (const [key, document] of state.definitions.entries()) {
      console.log(key, document.def);


Need some heuristic to determine it is actually unnamed and ignore it

const test = new RegExp('^' + process.cwd().replace(/[^\w]/g, '').split('/').join(''), 'i');

I copy-pasted the exact logic from here: 😅

This will be fixed in v3