colored-rs / colored

(Rust) Coloring terminal so simple you already know how to do it !

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Use is_terminal from std lib?

jcamiel opened this issue · comments

In Rust 1.70, is_terminal is available on std::io::stdout()/stderr()/stdin(), maybe this is an opportunity to remove the atty dependency?

In /colored/src/ instead of:

ShouldColorize {
            clicolor: ShouldColorize::normalize_env(env::var("CLICOLOR")).unwrap_or(true)
                && atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout),

The code can be now:

ShouldColorize {
            clicolor: ShouldColorize::normalize_env(env::var("CLICOLOR")).unwrap_or(true)
                && std::io::stdout().is_terminal(),

I can make a PR if needed!


Ah sorry, I didn't check PR (#134), fill free to close mine!

This is actually being discussed in #122 (comment) as well, an MSRV just needs to be decided on before figuring out if a crate or the stdlib will be used.

Feel free to track the issue linked in that PR for any updates :)