Colored-Coins / Errors

Errors assigned to Colored-Coins servers responses.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status Coverage Status npm version


Errors assigned to Colored-Coins servers responses.
This module allows servers reuse errors, acheiving more comprehensive and readable error responses, and more importantly - enables better logging and tracing of errors by client applications or error analysis thanks to well-defined error codes.



$ npm install cc-errors

Creating error messages

First, require the module like so:


Create specific Error instance of one of the supported error classes:

console.log(new errors.InvalidAddressError().toJSON())

gives us:

{ code: 10001,
  status: 422,
  name: 'InvalidAddressError',
  message: 'Invalid address' }

Override messages on instantiation:

console.log(new errors.InvalidAddressError({
	explanation: 'Address 123xyz is not a valid address',
	response: 'Change the argument \'fromAddress\' to be a valid address'


{ explanation: 'Address 123xyz is not a valid address',
  response: 'Change the argument \'fromAddress\' to be a valid address',
  code: 10001,
  status: 422,
  name: 'InvalidAddressError',
  message: 'Invalid address' }

Express Middleware

Express.js error handling middleware.

var errorhandler = require('cc-errors').errorHandler()


Create new error handling middleware.


'development' will include stack trace, and will accumulate original errors
initiated from third party or separate servers. Default is undefined.


One of two types:
boolean - a boolean for determining whether the error handler should log the error messages. true will use console.error by default for logging.
function - a function to process an error, invoked with err.
Default is true.


As with any express error handling middleware, it should be put after the router middleware:

var express = require('express')
var app = express()
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
var errorHandler = require('cc-errors').errorHandler

app.get('/error', function (req, res, next) {
  next('Something went wrong')


Defining error messages

Create a very barebones error - you must specify at least the error name and code.

  name: 'RuntimeError', // class name
  code: 20001, // error code
console.log(new errors.RuntimeError().toJSON());


{ code: 20001,
  name: 'RuntimeError'}

Optionally, define default message, associated HTTP status code, explanation and response:

// default status, explanation and response 
    name: 'FileNotFoundError',
    code: 30001,
    status: 500, // associated HTTP status
    defaultMessage: 'The requested file could not be found', // human readable, short and precise string
    defaultExplanation: 'The file /home/boden/foo could not be found',  // detailed information
    defaultResponse: 'Verify the file exists and retry the operation' // suggested action to user
console.log(new errors.FileNotFoundError().toJSON());

gives us:

{ explanation: 'The file /home/boden/foo could not be found',
  response: 'Verify the file exists and retry the operation',
  code: 30001,
  status: 500,
  name: 'FileNotFoundError',
  message: 'The requested file could not be found' }

Running the tests

$ npm install
$ mocha


Errors assigned to Colored-Coins servers responses.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%