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improve layout

colinbrislawn opened this issue · comments

Fix #sidebar so that

  • it does not cover any of the page while on mobile. See Young-Artists
  • words are not split across multiple lines (maybe using a <br>, or better yet a css setting).

Improve top image so that it does not get cut off at strange places or leave weird gaps.


Improve cues to avoid a ghost action button

Currently, there are two goals when displaying the background image.

  1. Fill the full width and height of the banner background-size: cover;
  2. Display the group title without scrolling down by using height: 80%

To meet both of these requirements, the images is cropped either at the top or bottom. To introduce a new goal...

  1. Don't dramatically crop the banner image.

... one of the previous goals must be dropped.

Maybe we could feature the title in a new location?
Or we could make background-size match .container @media width which would solve this problem for many screen sizes.

On narrow screens (@media), have heading (and images?) clear: both; to avoid this:
screen shot 2017-08-03 at 10 37 23 pm