CamerataMusica / website

:musical_keyboard: :violin: Camerata Musica website

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schematic of structure of site, interaction of github, files, pelican, etc...

jcdoran opened this issue · comments

I'm mocking this up. Two panel figure: visual analogy on the left, technical terms on the right.

Github; tower, office building; host everything, both code and people
Pelican; bird, hatch eggs, deliver babies; generates site, .md to .html
Travis-CI; balloon lifting Pelican nest??; auto build system, runs Pelican

Art style is ink sketch, nothing elaborate.

Platform Data / Action Format / Function Link
GitHub Site source code .md main branch
GitHub GitHub action Builds static site yml file on main
GitHub Static Site HTML gh-pages branch
GitHub Live site! Website
Hover registrar our domain name
CloudFlare DNS and cache analytics and cashe