cole2295 / Light.Data2

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Light.Data is a lightweight ORM framework which based on dotnet standard 2.0, through to the entity model class Attribute or configuration files relate data table. Use core class DataContext was carried out on the table to CURD operation.

Supported Database

Database Introduce
SqlServer Need to install nuget install Light.Data.Mssql library, Support SqlServer 2008 or above
Mysql Need to install nuget install Light.Data.Mysql library, Support Mysql5.5 or above
Postgre Need to install nuget install Light.Data.Postgre library, Support PostgreSQL9.3 or above

Basic Operation

  • Basic CURD
  • Batch CUD
  • Supports transaction processing
  • Supports data fields default value and automatic timestamp
  • Supports data fields read-write control
  • THe Query results specify class or anonymous class output
  • The query results insert into the data table directly
var context = new DataContext();
// query single data
var item = context.Query<TeUser>().Where(x => x.Id == 10).First();
// query collection datas
var list = context.Query<TeUser>().Where(x => x.Id > 10).ToList();
// create date
var user = new TeUser() {
    Account = "foo",
    Password = "bar"
// update data
user.Password = "bar1";
// delete data

Data Aggregation

  • Single-Column data directly aggregate
  • Multi-Column data grouped aggregate
  • Format the grouped field
  • Aggregate data insert into the data table directly
// basic
var list = context.Query<TeUser> ()
                  .Where (x => x.Id >= 5)
                  .Aggregate (x => new LevelIdAgg () {
                      LevelId = x.LevelId,
                      Data = Function.Count ()
                  .ToList ();

// date format
var list = context.Query<TeUser> ()
                  .Aggregate (x => new RegDateFormatAgg () {
                      RegDateFormat = x.RegTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                      Data = Function.Count ()
                  .ToList ();	

Join-Table Query

  • Multi-Table join, Support inner join, left join and right join
  • Support query results and aggregate data join together
  • Join query results specify class or anonymous class output
  • join query results insert into the data table directly
// inner join
var join = context.Query<TeUser> ()
                  .Join<TeUserExtend>((x,y) => x.Id == y.Id);

// aggregate data join entity table          
var join = context.Query<TeMainTable>()
                  .Aggregate(x => new {
                      MId = x.MId,
                      Count = Function.Count(),
                  .Join<TeSubTable>((x, y) => x.MId == y.Id);

Execute SQL

  • Use SQL and Stored Procedures directly
  • Supports object parameters
  • Query results specify class or anonymous class output
  • Stored Procedures support use output parameters
// basic parameter
var sql = "update Te_User set NickName=@P2 where Id=@P1";
var ps = new DataParameter[2];
ps[0] = new DataParameter("P1", 5);
ps[1] = new DataParameter("P2", "abc");
var executor = context.CreateSqlStringExecutor(sql, ps);
var ret = executor.ExecuteNonQuery();

// object parameter
var sql = "update Te_User set NickName={nickname} where Id={id}";
var executor = context.CreateSqlStringExecutor(sql, new { nickname = "abc", id = 5 });
var ret = executor.ExecuteNonQuery();


License:MIT License


Language:C# 99.1%Language:PLpgSQL 0.9%