coin-or / pulp

A python Linear Programming API

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How to install pulp on ARM computer running Ubuntu 18?

DigitalGabriele opened this issue · comments

I have a file with linear programming script that I ran on my M1 Mac and it worked fine. Now I am trying to do the same on an ARM computer running ubuntu 18. I installed pulp and had issues with cbc:

OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error: '/home/ubuntu/c4aarch64_installer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pulp/solverdir/cbc/linux/64/cbc'

I installed cbc through sudo apt and set the path in my script:

pulp.CBC_CMD = "/usr/bin/cbc"

That didn't work. How can I resolve this issue? I'd appreciate any guidance.

On ARM, (in 2.7.0) you also need to install a few extra dev deps for running CBC:

apt install -y coinor-cbc coinor-libcbc-dev

Then you can get the cbc location with:

whereis cbc | sed 's/cbc: //g' | sed 's/\s.*$//'

You can use this path when selecting your solver.

As @pchtsp mentioned the main branch now has CBC support for ARM linux baked in by default, but this was just added last week. I assume this will roll out with 2.8.0 when it drops.

I'm closing the issue as v.2.8.0 was just released.