cognitect-labs / aws-api

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http client fails with ring/ring-jetty-adapter 1.11.0

dharrigan opened this issue · comments

Thank you for your interest in helping to improve Cognitect's aws-api!


Clojure CLI version

openjdk 21.0.1 2023-10-17 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-21.0.1+12 (build 21.0.1+12-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-21.0.1+12 (build 21.0.1+12-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)
ring/ring-jetty-adapter {:mvn/version "1.11.0"} {:mvn/version "0.8.686"} {:mvn/version "847.2.1365.0"} {:mvn/version ""} {:mvn/version "848.2.1413.0"}

Description with failing test case

As ring is now available as a 1.11.0 release (along with the dependency ring/ring-jetty-apapter 1.11.0), when upgrading deps and then starting the http-client (as a dependency injected resource), the following occurs:

user=> (dev/go)
Syntax error (NoSuchFieldException) compiling . at (cognitect/http_client.clj:41:9).

Reverting back to ring/ring-jetty-adapter {:mvn/version "1.10.0"} fixes the problem.

Thank you.


Encountering this issue, too. Upgrading to ring-jetty-adapter 1.11.0 causes the exception

Syntax error (NoSuchFieldException) compiling . at (cognitect/http_client.clj:41:9) getProperties

A revert back to ring-jetty-adapter 1.10.0 resolves it.
The motivation for the ring-jetty-upgrade was a detection from one of our security scanners for a CVE (which doesn't impact us; we're just aiming to resolve the alert).

Thanks, and sorry about this frustration. I'm probably stating what you already realize, but

  • ring-jetty-adapter 1.11.0 depends upon org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-XYZ 11.0.18 artifacts
  • latest aws-api transitively depends upon org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-XYZ 9.4.51 artifacts
  • this mismatch causes problems at runtime such as what you're seeing.
  • ring-jetty-adapter 1.10.0 depends upon org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-XYZ 9.4.51 artifacts, so rolling back to it solves the runtime problems, but of course jetty 9.4.51 has that CVE.
  • clojure -X:deps tree can be used to visualize the dependencies.

Solving the problem of aws-api's transitive dependency on jetty 9.4.x is our top priority for our next release.

Any idea when the transitive dependency will be solved? Currently we cannot use aws-api as we transitioned to which uses Jetty 12.0.x and we cannot downgrade or switch back to ring adapter as we rely on functionality from Jetty 12.0

I saw there was an effort to move the HTTP client to the JDK version

As an aside, Is there any example code of how to use the :http-client prop so we don't rely on the default-http-client?. I see it needs to implement the HttpClient protocol

(defprotocol HttpClient
  (-submit [_ request channel]
    "Submit an http request, channel will be filled with response. Returns ch.

     Request map:

     :scheme                 :http or :https
     :server-name            string
     :server-port            integer
     :uri                    string
     :query-string           string, optional
     :request-method         :get/:post/:put/:head/:delete
     :headers                map from downcased string to string
     :body                   ByteBuffer, optional
     :timeout-msec           opt, total request send/receive timeout
     :meta                   opt, data to be added to the response map

     content-type must be specified in the headers map
     content-length is derived from the ByteBuffer passed to body

     Response map:

     :status            integer HTTP status code
     :body              ByteBuffer, optional
     :headers           map from downcased string to string
     :meta              opt, data from the request

     On error, response map is per cognitect.anomalies.

     Alpha. This will absolutely change.")
  (-stop [_] "Stops the client, releasing resources"))

I have a fork of com.cognitect/http-client that uses Jetty 11: I'm currently using it in production for without issue. Folks are free to use that, and @scottbale you are welcome to use the changes there if you do decide to upgrade the official client to Jetty 11.