codota / TabNine

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tabnine.inlineHintColor don't take effect

KiligFei opened this issue · comments


please complete the following information:

  • OS version: macOS Monterey 12.4
  • Editor: vscode
  • Editor version: 1.67.2
  • Programming language: tsx
  • TabNine extension version: 1.67.2
  • Engine version (could be located within Tabnine Hub): 1.67.2

Issue Details:
"tabnine.inlineHintColor": "#00ffcc",
Don't take effect


Hi, did you try restarting your IDE after changing the color setting? If not, would you try and tell me if it helped? Was the setting saved or went back to default?

Hi KiligFei,

We haven't heard back from you in a while.

Would you please let me know if you still need my assistance?

Thank you,

Tabnine Support



No, thank you. It doesn't have much effect on me。It could also be that I turned on GitHub Copilot and caused the conflict