codica2 / basic-aws-cloudformation

Basic Setup AWS with Cloudformation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic Setup: VPC, Subnets + RouteTables, Internet + NAT Gateways, Security Group, Bastion Server, Application Load Balancer, ECR!

cloud-formation-aws.yaml - cloudformation file for AWS.

What's customizable:

  1. VPC.
  2. 4 Subnet (2 Public and 2 Private).
  3. Configure RouteTable.
  4. NAT
  5. Security Group
  6. Bastion Server
  7. Application Load Balancer
  8. Elastic Container Registry

You need to create a PEM key yourself. Example: StackName-aws-key, StackName - must match the name of the CloudFormation task.


Cleaning file is Copyright © 2015-2021 Codica. It is released under the MIT License.

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Basic Setup AWS with Cloudformation