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during submitting ,it is showing internal error

Reemkhan09 opened this issue · comments

after completing my test whenever i m trying to submit my test it is showing internal error what should i do how to fix it

What kata is this? In what language? Does the same problem appear for every kata, or only for some of them? Can you show a screenshot of the error? Does the problem appear on every attempt, or only sometimes?

This has happened to me a lot too the last few days. It doesn't always happen. It can happen not just when submitting a kata but also when doing other things like sorting the solutions. The personal stats are still updated (for me at least)

This issue just happened to me. Short description below:

  • I completed "8 kyu Square(n) Sum" using Javascript.
  • I tested my answer (successful), then attempted my answer (successful).
  • I did not refactor my answer. I clicked on submit.
  • The page immediately moved to the next page (which isn't common, it usually stays at the submit page for 5-10 seconds)
  • The page was blank and stayed there for over 15 seconds. I scrolled up and down to see if it froze, then it gave the internal error
  • I refreshed the page, and it went through. I was still given the honor points and the page refreshed to the proper solutions page.

*Note: I code my answers in my IDE (InteliJ Idea) and then copy-paste into the codeWars editor (this shouldn't affect anything but mentioned just in case)

Hope this helps!

Happened to me once, just now. Only did 1 kata so far, this was it. Python, the squared digits kata. I edited all in the codewars window ide. Finally got it right, tested and attempted, ok. Then I went to do something, maybe 10min, 30min, dunno. Then I thought, OMG I'm still on the timer! so I clicked on Submit. I went away again. Came back, and it was showing that error. Not sure if codewars remembers how long it took us, didn't see a timer.

Same. Did some 6 kyu python 3.11 kata and submit results in internal server error.

This Kata: "Stop gninnipS My sdroW" (
Python 3.11.

This code, when submitted gives internal server error:

def spin_words(sentence):
    words = sentence.split()
    for i, word in enumerate(words):
        if len(word)>=5:
            words[i] = word[::-1]
    return " ".join(words)

Same here, everytime I submit a solution (no matter which kata the problem belongs to), I get internal server error. It's been happening since the past few days.

For me too,its showing internal server error
WhatsApp Image 2024-05-20 at 20 25 50_2eb9b7f6

For me too,its showing internal server error WhatsApp Image 2024-05-20 at 20 25 50_2eb9b7f6

Now its(Internal error) clear

Janarthanan6119, your problem has another underlying cause than the issue discussed in this ticket. Your error should have gone away now.

I am getting this error now submitting 4 kyu "Matrix Determinant" in C++. Multiple submissions and after reading the above comments tried refreshing but no love unfortunately.

I am so glad I started pasting my work into Notepad++ when I start refactoring 'cause my solution was gone when I hit back.

Hello, we have same problems today and yesterday. For the kata "Detect Pangram" when I want to submit the solution. And yesterday when I come to the site with Dashboard.

Hi all, we are currently investigating this issue, I'm sorry that you've experienced issues submitting kata at this time, we hope to have a fix for this very shortly. Please let me know your username and the kat you experienced issues with. This will help us determine how much data has been correctly saved.