codetann / codetann

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Hello, My name is Tanner Thomas πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

I'm a Software Engineer based in Lehi, Utah. My goal is to create engaging experiences for users, with a fine balance of technology and design.

⚑ Tech Stack

Here are a few things I've picked up along my learning journey.

  • πŸ—£ JavaScript | TypeScript | Python | Dart | PHP
  • πŸ–‡οΈ React | Node | Svelte | Flutter
  • πŸ›’οΈ MongoDB | SQLite | PostgreSQL
  • :octocat: Git | Github
  • 🌐 HTML | CSS | SASS | Styled Components
  • ☁ Firebase | MongoDB Atlas | Supabase

πŸ“« Get in touch

or send me an email


My personal repository