coder-mike / microvium

A compact, embeddable scripting engine for applications and microcontrollers for executing programs written in a subset of the JavaScript language.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


pitust opened this issue · comments says console.log and it doesnt work. Did you mean log, which does work?

Welcome! I think you may be the first person to try Microvium out, and certainly the first to contribute an issue!

I think the issue you're seeing is that you're probably using the latest (pre)release on npm, which was released before I had implemented support for object and properties like console.log. Things have progressed since then I changed it to console.log to make it more familiar to JS developers. I'll run through the getting-started guide again on my machine just to make sure it all works, and re-publish another (pre)release to npm.

Do you mind me asking, how did you hear about Microvium, since I haven't widely publicized it yet? And what are you considering using it for?

@pitust See if (pre)release 0.0.8 fixes your issue.

I also added a regression test suite which programmatically executes the code in the file to help it from getting out of sync again in future.

There is no "resolveImport"

I'm not familiar with wasm2c. If there's nothing analogous to resolveImport, then how do you call a C function from TypeScript code? Or, how do you import a function implemented by the host?

You import them in TS like this:

declare function importedFunc(): void;

Then, compiled to wasm, it will be a WASM import:

  (type $t0 (func))
  (import "main" "importedFunc" (func $main.importedFunc (type $t0)))

which wasm2c will convert into a (mangled) name.
You then create a variable with that name, assign the function poitnter to it, and it will (hopefully) work.
