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[Critical] iOS native theme does not adapt to the iPhone 'dynamic island' (which replaces the 'notch')

ThomasH99 opened this issue · comments

The iOS theme and SafeArea does not adapt to the iOS 'Dynamic Island'. The protected space is not high enough so a title text which is well positioned under the notch on earlier iPhones (with the notch) is now partly hidden below the dynamic island. Which is not surprising since the dynamic island descends further on the screen than the notch, so more space needs to be included in the safeArea.

This is pretty critical as the full line of iPhones now uses this concept.

We have found the issue, and the fix will be available in the next update on Friday.
In the mean time, please try this workaround and see if it fixes the issue for you.

On all forms in your app, after you have initialized the toolbar, call

Container statusBar ="StatusBar", form).asComponent(Container.class);
if (statusBar != null) {

It seems likely that this fix broke the toolbar logic for Iphone 12 with the hardwired notch. See

My temproary fix is to set padding on the toolbar to before getPreferredSize()
of the toolbar.
public Dimension getPreferredSize()
{ // this is the essential repair to the toolbar logic. Include
// the height of the safe area in the toolbar size. Other kludgery
// in com.codename1.ui.Container will add a margin corresponding to
// the safe area.
Style s = getStyle();
return super.getPreferredSize();
This version works the first time, and would always work if getSafeArea is reliable, which it is not.