codemonkey85 / PKMDS-Blazor

PKMDS: Pokémon Save Editor for Web

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Gen 1 and 2 EV issues

Evilstar006 opened this issue · comments

The limit on RBY, and likely GSC, EVs is capped at 255, which would not be an immediate issue if it was taking both bit values into account at once but instead it is only changing one but leaving the final value closer to a max of 15 EVs so either both values need to change simultaneously or the cap raised to 65535 for early games that use the old stat system.

@codemonkey85 The issue is still there for Red and Blue unfortunately, EX Bulbasaur with max stats in HP should equal 293, but with the current programming limits it still won't go above 234.

@Evilstar006 I'm seeing the full 293 in my testing. Can you check again?

Yeah for some reason it still resets it back down to 255 on my end, I even tried to make a new instance of the Pokémon see if that fixed the issue.


I figured out a fix, and not sure why, apparently viewing it in desktop mode through mobile does not allow it to go past 255, but as soon as I switched it off it went to the new cap. I don't know if that's something on your end or something on GitHub's end.

I was going to suggest clearing cache / site data for the app. Not sure why it would behave differently on desktop vs mobile view.

I can maybe try that and maybe that has something to do with it as perhaps it clears the site data automatically to load the desktop or mobile version, honestly I wouldn't have thought about it at all if I hadn't realized you were doing the edits on desktop and decided to humor the idea of switching.

I'm guessing that's exactly what it is because it works fine on both now.

Right, the app should behave the same way regardless of how you view it, but unfortunately I seem to have no control over how or when the browser decides to redownload the app and / or its assets. So as I push out updates I'm kind of at the mercy of those things as to whether or not users see said updates.

The important thing is you have a known issue and a possible solution to that issue if it ever arises again, keep up the good work.