codehakase / golang-gin

Build a Golang app with the Gin framework, and authenticate with Auth0 + JWT

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Uncaught TypeError: c.render is not a function

johnsmith1212 opened this issue · comments

Using Go 1.11, Gin and React

Uncaught TypeError: c.render is not a function

any idea why @codehakase?

@codehakase Sorry to bother you, any news on this?

@johnsmith1212 sorry for the late response! Where does that error occur?

@codehakase no worries, that's the console, output after using all the code of the blog post

@codehakase just took another look at it, I can now login via auth0, but the e.g the API call for http://localhost:3000/api/jokes is throwing a 401.

@codehakase did you get a chance to look at that?

@johnsmith1212 confirm you have the following environment variables filed:

export AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=""
export AUTH0_DOMAIN=""

@codehakase yeah I guess so, as I can login

@codehakase but my auth0 dashboard looks slightly different as yours in the tutorial, as I have an APIs menu point as well an Application menu point

@johnsmith1212 I'll pull a fresh clone of the code, and run on my machine, will revert if there's something breaking

@codehakase did you run in any issues?