codeforhuntsville / transitTracks

system for tracking trolley and shuttle service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Socket Connection Report

larrymason opened this issue · comments

We now capture socket connection information in the database. We capture connections id, the client-ip address, start time and end time. So we can have a report that shows unique IP connections, by day and how long the user stayed connected. We need a report format that could be added to the stats page.

this issue may have been overtaken by events, we have added Google Analytics which may give us everything we need to know... this method can eat up the database after a while also, so may remove soon

You can export all the database information regularly and then delete the copy in the cloud. This could be effective for preventing the space from being consumed in the DB while we keep this method in use.

The mongodb has been set up on Simple Helix and is capturing the same information mentioned above by @larrymason. Once we get the production environment set up for the the trolley tracking app on simple helix (along with CI) I will then set up the mongodb to capture data in the production setting instead of dev.