cockroachdb / ui

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Link Component

nathanstilwell opened this issue Β· comments


Cockroach Core Components Candidate

A UI element that is used to change the URL

Screen Shot 2020-04-23 at 18 47 35

Screen Shot 2020-04-23 at 18 48 22
Screen Shot 2020-04-23 at 18 48 28

πŸ’­ ❗

So the more I think about this one, I don't think this should be a component in our design system. While I think we can dedicate design resources to defining what they should look like, routing inside an application isn't something core components should have an opinion about. So why am I making an issue for not creating a component? Because I think we speak to this explicitly in either our Button documentation (when talking about "Flat Buttons") or somewhere in the design system.

That works for me @nathanstilwell . cc @Annebirzin

Yep makes sense to me πŸ‘

What about

  onClick={() => void}

I think this is a good place to start.