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[tracking] READMEs as documentation

nathanstilwell opened this issue · comments

We have a couple of READMEs in the repo, but I think at a minimum we should have one at the root of every package.

#44 adds development commands to the main README and in the comments there is some more context around those. We should probably define what goes in the vs though because it's unclear to me. cc @j-low

Following up on defining what goes in each doc:

My confusion about what goes into our vs is because our installation and publishing instructions are in Those instructions are typically in the so that's where I would look for them. Also, we put build/installation instructions for each package in that package's so it is kind of inconsistent.

After looking into this a bit more, I think we should move the installation and publishing information to the Right now I think we are mixing contribution guidelines and getting started instructions.

circling back to this based on conversations we been having recently. A couple of things,

  • README should define usage and user context about the package they are located in.
  • CONTRIBUTING should contain information about developing inside of the UI repo. We also recently made the decision to have only one top level CONTRIBUTING file. Where there are differences in development among the packages, that complexity should be obfuscated behind npm lifecycle scripts.

There may be details that don't fall into either of these categories, but in general if it is for users of UI libraries it goes in a README and if it is for developers of UI libraries it goes in CONTRIBUTING.