cockroachdb / pebble

RocksDB/LevelDB inspired key-value database in Go

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

db: avoid loading skiplist size during concurrent apply

CheranMahalingam opened this issue · comments

Currently, during the batch commit process we first attempt to reserve space in the current memtable through memTable.prepare. Since we don't know the exact amount of space the batch will consume when written to the skiplist that backs the memtable, we reserve space using an upper bound. However, over time the amount of space reserved will not reflect the skiplist size. We combat this by setting the reserved value to the skiplist size. To do this safely we use the writerRefs count to ensure that there are no concurrent apply operations. However, for memtable.prepare we increment writerRefs after reserving space which results in a potential race between memtable.prepare and memtable.apply.

func (m *memTable) prepare(batch *Batch) error {
	avail := m.availBytes()    // If there are no concurrent apply operations or ingests, writerRefs is 0
	if batch.memTableSize > uint64(avail) {
		return arenaskl.ErrArenaFull
	m.reserved += uint32(batch.memTableSize)
	return nil

func (m *memTable) apply(batch *Batch, seqNum uint64) error {
	var ins arenaskl.Inserter
	for r := batch.Reader(); ; seqNum++ {
		kind, ukey, value, ok, err := r.Next()
		if !ok {
			if err != nil {
				return err
		ikey := base.MakeInternalKey(ukey, seqNum, kind)
		switch kind {
			err = ins.Add(&m.skl, ikey, value)
		if err != nil {
			return err

func (m *memTable) availBytes() uint32 {
	a := m.skl.Arena()
	if m.writerRefs.Load() == 1 {
		// If there are no other concurrent apply operations, we can update the
		// reserved bytes setting to accurately reflect how many bytes of been
		// allocated vs the over-estimation present in memTableEntrySize.
		m.reserved = a.Size()
	return a.Capacity() - m.reserved

The next step here is to write a unit test to repro.